Tuesday, January 27, 2004

Soil Chart

Soil Chart
Stacey Greenberg

January 2004 marks the one year anniversary of “Fertile Ground.” When I started this zine last year, I never thought that I’d end up with over a hundred subscribers/swappers and reviews in various magazines including The Utne Reader and Mothering. I want to thank each and every one of you who has supported “Fertile Ground” in 2003. I hope that you’ll continue to do so this year! Share your copy of “Fertile Ground” with a friend, leave it in a coffee shop, or donate it to a zine library. Don’t wanna share? Order extras! I also want to encourage you, my dear readers, to submit! I am always interested in your stories, pictures, cartoons, anecdotes, etc. Don’t be shy.

As you can see from the above picture, my pregnancy is progressing quite well. I hope that the next issue will detail my very quick and painless (one can dream) waterbirth. Right now I am about 24 weeks along and all is well. Like with Satchel, we are going to let the sex be a surprise. So be on the lookout for Fertile Ground #6 in a few months for the full story!

Happy New Year everyone! May 2004 bring you lots of good stuff, especially good stuff to read…

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